August 2023
This summer has been a fruitful one for the Undergraduate Brothers of Lambda Deuteron and preparations for the upcoming school year are well underway.
First and foremost, I would like to take a moment to acknowledge the contributions made by the graduating class to help our charge navigate the pandemic. Our brotherhood is at the height of its strength: we have 26 Undergraduate Brothers, of which 13 live in the house, who are all deeply committed to the house and the mottos that bind us.
Since joining the fraternity two years ago, our charge has undergone a culture change that has seen us improve for the better. Brothers are working with one another, guiding each other through the trials and tribulations of life. Our brotherhood is filled with talented, motivated individuals who have leveraged their skills to improve the house in all aspects.
We’ve established new relationships within Greek Life that have allowed us to make a difference in the community and student life at large. Every month, Brothers spend a day volunteering at the Parkdale Food Bank to give back to the community.
Mehul Thakur